Here in India we have 330 million Gods. Can you believe that, 330 million!!! They are not there just for a name sake, they all have names, designation, duties and even their own vehicles. I can explain. If you want to prosper in wealth, go meet Goddess Lakshmi. If u want Education, meet Saraswathy. You want to get rid of obstaccles Lord Ganpati is your man. Like that, every god has their own duties and roles.
They are not all. There are 3 other gods whom we consider the gods of the whole universe. They are the big guys. They are called Thrimurthys. They are Bhrahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. Bhrahma The creator, Vishnu The Preserver and then Shiva, The destroyer.
Shiva is considered as the destroyer of evil also he is the purest of all. He doesn't know anything. He is not partial towards devas neither the demons. For him all are equal. He smokes marijuana
( yes he does, how cool is that huh ), He is an awesome dancer, He is a lover, He is a perfect father, and what not. He is Mr. Perfect. He is my favourite of all.
And that is why when i saw the blank wall outside my room, i decided it should be shiva there on that wall. I didn't wait for long, straight away i changed my clothes, borrowed dad's old scooter and went to the market to get all the accessories to draw my lord on my wall.
This is my first ever drawing on a wall. And i am glad that i chose him.
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